(937) 592-0036
Bellefontaine & Marysville Martial Arts


The Center For Traditional Martial Arts is an organization that teaches traditional martial arts classes.  The classes focus on traditional martial arts but teaches ways to utilize those lessons in modern applications. We also have self defense classes as well as our ATAC (Armed Tactics and Combatives) edged weapons training to keep everyone update on their self protection needs. Private and semi-private (small group training) is also available. We have also recently begun our MMA program for those that wish to focus on this popular aspect of the martial arts.  There are classes offered in Bellefontaine/Zanesfield, Ohio.

Class Descriptions

 Youth Karate
This class focuses on building strong character in our younger students through the time tested art of karate…more
 Adult Beginner Karate
This class is designed for the adult student that is interested in “trying out” the martial arts…more
                                            Adult – Karatejutsu
This class is for the serious adult student who is interested in advancing through the Martial arts to a high degree of skill…more