(937) 592-0036
Bellefontaine & Marysville Martial Arts

Martial Arts Instructor -Sandan

I’ve always been fascinated with martial arts since I could remember. I can remember begging a childhood friend to teach me what he had learned at his Tae Kwon Do class and filling our VHS library with ninja and kung fu movies. My brain has always been dominantly engulfed in art from a very young age and martial arts seemed to fit the criteria. My father tried putting me in sports and boy scouts as a child with no appeal. By the time I convinced my mother to take me to find a karate dojo, I was 13. I was lucky enough to find Sensei Smith on my first try at the local Ymca. I couldn’t find a reason to look further. It was everything I was hoping for and more. Karate, Iaido, Aikido and more I found in Jukido-Kai. More recently, I have found interest in the health and healing aspects to the martial arts and a great appeal for the Japanese language. I have begun additional study of TaiChi, Kung Fu, Kyudo and Yoga. I plan on opening my own school so I can teach my own students in the future.