(937) 592-0036
Bellefontaine & Marysville Martial Arts

Welcome to the Center For Traditional Martial Arts

Check out News as well as Upcoming events for additional info on planned activities.

The Center For Traditional Martial Arts is focused on providing you with the best in self protection and Martial Arts training available. With an understanding of both traditional and modern concepts, we have classes for students as young as 5 years old through adult at any skill level.

We hope that you will find this website to be user friendly and informative. If you require further assistance or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the instructors listed here on this website.

As always, we invite you to experience the Center For Traditional Martial Arts first hand. We would love to meet you in person and introduce you to our family of Martial Artists. Please stop by for a visit and remember that your first class is always free! In th FAQ section of this website are links to articles written by the Head Sensei of our system and his wife. Please feel free to read them as they will help begin to form an understanding of how things are done in our school. We hope to see you soon.

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